Business Litigation in San Diego


What is the role of San Diego Business Litigation Lawyers?

Business Litigation is rapidly expanding in San Diego County. However, legal services in this area of the law is seriously deficient in San Diego. Most business owners and individuals who are facing business disputes find themselves with limited choices and a few traditional law firms offering business litigation services. However, traditional legal services are no longer sufficient for a dynamically changing society with evolving complex business disputes. Accordingly, new solution-oriented law firms with an alternative approach to the practice of law is what is missing in San Diego’s legal landscape. The Mirkhan Law Firm’s mission is to fill this void by providing comprehensive business litigation services with a dynamic approach not seen before in the legal profession.

Business Litigation Attorneys can be the saving angels :

Instead of the negative image attributed to lawyers, Business litigation attorneys can be viewed as saving angels in the face of tough problems. But creating a positive image for business lawyers is easier said than done. Nearly all business lawyers claim that they are ethical and nearly all of them claim that they are the best. But while making claims is an easy process, proving those claims in real life is a totally different proposition. Part of the problem that currently exists is not necessarily due to the fact that some lawyers are good and some are bad. Instead, the problem is structural and is caused by the traditional model of a law firm. Thus, lawyers, good or bad, try to conform their behavior to their firm’s practice philosophy and it is here that they fail to improve their image with their potential clients.

Our firm’s philosophy however, is totally different than the traditional model or what is considered to be the “norm”. With our new dynamic approach to the practice of law, we have proven time and time again that a new era in the legal industry is just beginning to shape. We are proud to be pioneers in this new era and look forward to help our clients with pride and confidence.
